
Jet2 loses appeal over pilot ‘rejected for trade union activity’
The airline Jet2 has lost its appeal against an Employment Tribunal ruling that it rejected a job application from a pilot because of his union activity.
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Engineer sacked while depressed wins employment claim
An engineer who was sacked while off work with depression has won his claim of unfair dismissal after a tribunal ruled that the employer had been "totally unreasonable".
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What Our Clients Say – Peter Lilley, iGeolise Ltd
There is a moment within every start-up company when you need a lawyer. Ideally someone pragmatic, insightful and responsive. Thank heavens we found Mark.
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Dyson granted injunction to stop engineer working for rival
The Dyson group has been granted an injunction preventing one of its top engineers working for a rival company for 12 months.
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Business disputes: can they ever be avoided?
When a dispute arises in the context of a business it will usually stem from a known risk, such as a customer not paying, an employee setting up in competition or a supplier breaching the terms of their contract. Identifying and effectively managing the risks posed to your business can seriously reduce the likelihood of disputes arising and can ensure that, where problems do occur, the damage caused is minimal.
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Increase in claims after employment tribunal fees ruled unlawful
There has been a sharp rise in the number of employment tribunal cases since the Supreme Court ruled in July that the fees charged to bring claims were unlawful.
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Top businesses must show how they stop sexual harassment
The recent sexual assault scandals involving MPs and Hollywood actors has prompted the Equality and Human Rights Commission to write to leading companies telling them they'll face legal action if they fail to deal with sexual harassment.
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Second blow for Uber as European Court rules it’s a taxi firm
Uber may have to reconsider its working practices after losing two major legal battles within two months.
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Firm must pay £400k over unlawful inducements to employees
An electrical firm has been ordered to pay a total of £418,000 to 56 of its employees after making unlawful inducements to them to change the terms of their employment contracts
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Injunctions: protecting your business while you are in dispute
Picture the scene. You have just fired a rogue consultant who has set up in competition with you in breach of a restraint of trade clause in their consultancy contract. Added to this, they have taken a copy of your customer list which they have been using to tout for business. They have also been claiming falsely that you dispensed of their services unfairly because of concerns they raised about health and safety issues. What can you do? Issue a claim at court for compensation for breach of contract? Report the theft to the police? Yes, but that is not…
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Mark Glenister

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This meeting is an introductory call with Mark Glenister to discuss any legal advice requirements you may have.

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