
Protecting your business against online fraud
Online fraud is now the most prevalent crime in England and Wales, affecting both individuals and businesses of all sizes to the tune of around £10 billion a year. The complexity with which cyber fraud can be carried out and the increasingly clever ways that criminals conceal themselves make the threat very difficult to manage.
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Employee wellbeing: your responsibilities as an employer
Bowls of fresh fruit and mindfulness sessions are becoming increasingly common in the workplace as employers try to promote the wellbeing of their staff. A successful wellbeing strategy can improve employee attendance and retention, as well as productivity. It can also help shield you from compensation claims brought by employees for stress-related conditions which may be exacerbated by their work
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Continuous improvement – or an unexpectedly costly invention?
Creativity, innovation and continuous improvement are buzzwords in almost every organisation, as businesses seek to identify something that will give them a competitive edge and ultimately improve their profitability.
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Huge rise in homophobia claims to employment tribunals
There has been a surge in homophobia claims to Employment Tribunals over the last 12 months.
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Court clarifies when NHS employees can claim injury benefits
A hospital consultant has won a claim for injury benefit against the NHS. In granting his appeal, the High Court set out the correct approach to be taken when assessing such claims.
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Prison inspector loses disability case, but court criticises employer
A prison inspector has lost his claim of disability discrimination, but the case led to the Court of Appeal criticising the approach taken by his employer, the Ministry of Justice.
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Woman subjected to sexual advances at work awarded £24,000
An employer who told a woman that sexual advances from a Spanish colleague were just cultural differences has been ordered to pay her £24,000 compensation.
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Removal of travel allowance ‘did not contravene TUPE’
A decision to remove an "outdated and unjustified' travel allowance did not contravene an employer's obligations under TUPE (Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006).
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Four ways to avoid a dispute with your construction project
If your business is expanding, then you may find yourself contemplating building an extension or even new premises. Whatever the scale of the project, any construction work will be a major distraction from your usual business activities and you will not want further disruption from a potential dispute with your contractor.
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Start Up Case Study – Liz Pinks Marketing Recruitment
Background: With 15 years recruitment experience under her belt, Liz Pinks decided it was time to set up her own recruitment firm to challenge and change the questionable reputation of the recruitment sector. It wasn't easy to go at it alone at first, but with the support from her partner, Liz took that leap and in May 2018 Liz Pinks Marketing Recruitment was born.
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Mark Glenister

Introductory Call

This meeting is an introductory call with Mark Glenister to discuss any legal advice requirements you may have.

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