
Business checklist for admitting a new partner
If you have decided that the time has come to admit a new member to your partnership, then there are a number of important steps that you will need to take in preparation.
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Ecommerce refresher for retailers trading online in the UK
Ecommerce is a fast-moving medium for retailers and, whether you have an established online presence or are just starting out, a periodic review of changes in the law and trading regulations can help ensure your business runs smoothly.
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Mind the risk gap – best practice when using subcontractors
Whether you are planning on using subcontractors for a one-off project or on a long-term basis, there are several steps you can take to safeguard both your business and business relationships.
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Update your commercial contracts for the post-Brexit regime
While certain changes are already in place as a result of Brexit, we can expect a continuous stream of legislative reform that will affect businesses and their commercial contracts.
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Is an MBO or MBI a good move for your business?
Is your business ripe for more growth? Do you have the team that can take your business to the next level? Or do you want to take a step back and reap some of the rewards of your efforts? If continuity is important to you, then a management buy-out (MBO) or a management buy-in (MBI) might be an appropriate avenue to consider.
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New Year, new business structure?
Businesses need to be agile to survive and prosper, particularly as we face the duel challenge of having to deal with a global pandemic, while also bracing ourselves for the UK's exit from the EU.
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Brexit Business Review – opportunities, threats and advance preparation
The Brexit transition period deadline is drawing closer and yet the future is still very unclear. Whilst the UK government is telling UK businesses to prepare for Brexit, the lack of clarity on what the future holds has left many business leaders in a state of limbo. However, the business which can react, adapt and change quickly will be the business that survives and thrives.
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Acquisition opportunities among distressed businesses
As many of the government measures to support businesses through Covid-19 come to an end, businesses which have limped along may need to take more drastic action and consider renegotiation with creditors, restructuring, disposal, or even winding up or administration.
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Ten Reasons to Review your Data Protection Procedures and Policies
It has been over two years since the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force for EU countries, and the UK put it on the domestic statute book with the Data Protection Act 2018. At the time of implementation GDPR was a high-profile topic and organisations across the country were frantically reviewing and changing processes to ensure compliance with the new Act. Two years on it seems that some organisations have side-lined Data Protection as a priority which creates the risk of a Data Protection Act breach and potential fines from the ICO.
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Data Protection reminder in the age of track and trace and working from home
Since March 2020, businesses have had to change the way that they work and, while technology has facilitated many of these changes, it is important not to lose sight of obligations in regard to data protection policies and procedures.
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Mark Glenister

Introductory Call

This meeting is an introductory call with Mark Glenister to discuss any legal advice requirements you may have.

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