Employment Law

Director in whistleblowing case was unfairly dismissed
The Court of Appeal has ruled that a director was unfairly dismissed after raising concerns about company practices in a whistleblowing case.
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Courts throw out employee’s wrongful dismissal claim against BA
Claims by employees of wrongful dismissal and victimisation should be taken seriously but that did not mean that tribunals should be afraid to throw out unworthy claims without having to go to a full hearing.
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Supreme Court rules that employment tribunal fees are unlawful
The Supreme Court has ruled that employment tribunal fees are unlawful.
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First gender pay gap figures published under new rules
The Department of Education (DoE) is the first government body to publish its gender pay gap figures. Other departments, together with large companies, are expected to follow over the next six months.
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Overtime ruling in Veolia case could impact all employers
A group of refuse collectors have won an overtime claim that could have an impact on employers across the UK.
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Executive fails to escape garden leave by citing TUPE
A senior executive has failed to avoid garden leave by claiming his company was subject to a TUPE takeover after he resigned.
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Disabled employee loses appeal over pension rights
A disabled employee who reduced his hours from full-time to part-time before taking ill health retirement was not treated unfavourably in the calculation of his pension rights.
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Advocate General affirms rights of workers to belated holiday pay
The EU's leading lawyer has stated that workers are entitled to claim unpaid holiday entitlement even after they have left their employment.
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Ambulance staff win dispute over holiday pay and overtime
Overtime worked by ambulance staff during an emergency or when they can't avoid it the end of a shift should be included in their holiday pay calculation.
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Employee sacked for ‘21-second oversight’ awarded £43,000
A slaughterhouse worker with 40 years' experience who was sacked for a "21-second oversight" has won his claim of unfair dismissal.
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