Selling a Business

Selling your company – handle warranties with care
After years of hard work building up a business, the prospect of selling it on to another company or the current management team will be the light at the end of the tunnel. Unless you are a serial entrepreneur, a more leisurely life is ahead when the stresses and strains of running a business will be behind you.
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Buying or selling a business? It pays to agree key terms upfront
Adrenalin may be running high if you are on the verge of buying a business or selling the company you have built from scratch. You may have already sought professional advice regarding the company valuation but there are other critical issues on which advice will also be needed during those early heady days of negotiations.
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Is a management buyout a good way to sell your business?
This is the first article in a series of three. The other articles are a quick guide for the team looking to buy in and one about funding options.
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