Business Structure

Thinking of starting a social enterprise as a Community Interest Company?
When most people think of starting a social enterprise they focus on the community benefit and often assume that it will need to be established as a charity. While charities are a sound corporate vehicle for these activities, the rigours of the Charity Commission and charity law can be quite restrictive in nature.
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What legal considerations do I need to think about when setting up a business? (Part 1)
If you are considering setting up a business there are numerous decisions that you will have to make, including whether you will operate as a sole trader, in partnership with someone else or through a company. With the last two options, you will also need to think about the structure of your business.
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What legal considerations do I need to think about when setting up a business? (Part 2)
If you are considering setting up a business there are numerous options about the vehicle through which you can trade.
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What you Need to Think About When Outsourcing Business Functions
Have you thought about outsourcing any of your business functions to a third-party provider? If so, you are not alone; many businesses have turned to outsourcing in recent years to achieve different business objectives, including:
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What Agreements Does a Start Up Need?
In this short video, we look at what agreements every start up business should have.
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Who has significant control in your business? Are you compliant with the new regulations?
If you are a business owner or have a significant influence or control in a business then there is a recent change in the law that you should be aware of.
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